Updated list of events of interest to #LansingLatinos, the Michigan community and friends of the community in general! Find your Day of the Dead event here! Want your event to appear in this listing? Leave a comment or get us on Facebook.
*We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, we provide info so that you can confirm that the event is open to the public, appropriate for your needs and to confirm dates, times, location and other information.
*Looking for Day of the Dead info for another state? Try: http://www.mexicansugarskull.com/support/events.html
- 10/24+ Día de los Muertos ofrenda display at Detroit Inst of Art, Detroit, DIA.org
- 10/27+ Smithsonian Día de los Muertos online fest, online, latino.si.edu/education/LVMDayoftheDeadFestival.htm
- 10/28+ Día Celebration (several activities/art/food/film), Lorenzo Cultural Center, Clinton Twp, LorenzoCulturalCenter.com
- 10/29 MSU CRU “Brown Pride” w/Las Cafeteras, East Lansing, facebook.com/MSUCORESCRU
- 10/29 Sones de Mexico Ensemble Musical Geography of Mexico presentation, Lansing, facebook.com/sonesdemexico
- 10/29+ Día de los Muertos crafts at SmittenDust Studio, Dimondale, smittendust.blogspot.com/
- 10/30 “Colleges, Immigration and DACA” talk by Dr. Olivas, MSU, East Lansing, MSU HALE
- 10/30+ Julian Samora Institute (MSU) 25th Anniversary Conference, East Lansing, JSRI.msu.edu
- 10/30 Día de los Muertos concert Sones de Mexico ensemble, East Lansing, facebook.com/sonesdemexico
- 10/31 “Salsa-ween” Dance/Costume Party, East Lansing, facebook.com/adrianacelopez
- 10/31+ Día de los Muertos ofrendas on display, Grand Rapids (library), grpl.org/event/Día-de-los-muertos-honoring-day-dead/
- 10/31 Day of the Dead dance party, Downtown Market, Grand Rapids, DowntownMarket.com/classes-program
- 11/1 Bassnector (EDM) Día de los Muertos Concert, Detroit, bassnectar.net
- 11/1 Sugar Skull class/activity, Downtown Market, Grand Rapids, DowntownMarket.com/classes-program
- 11/1 Día de los Muertos CincoK Run, Saginaw, cincoKrunsaginaw.com
- 11/1 Run of the Dead 5K/10K, Detroit, savorsouthwestdetroit.org/event-Run-of-the-Dead-5K-10K-120.html
- 11/1 Day of the Dead Fiesta at All Saints Episcopal, East Lansing, allsaints-el.org
- 11/1 Día de los Muertos crafts activity and lotería, Herrick Library, Holland, vivalavidafestivalholland.com
- 11/1 Chorizo Breakfast Extravaganza, Cancun, Okemos, facebook.com/james.ramos.50596013
- 11/1 Tejano Night at Binnis, Lansing, facebook.com/events (Fred Villareal)
- 11/1 Day of the Dead party at Necto Nightclub, A2, TheNecto.com
- 11/1+ Day of the Dead ofrenda display, Holland Armory, Holland, vivalavidafestivalholland.com
- 11/2 Día de los Muertos art celebration, Richard App Gallery, Grand Rapids, therichardappgallery.tumblr.com
- 11/2 Día de DACA, fundraiser and info for DACA-eligible youth, Detroit, bit.ly/dacafundraiser
- 11/2 Día de los Muertos lunch/La Union Civica Mexicana, Saginaw, facebook.com/saginaw.civica
- 11/2 Día de los Muertos 5k, Latinos Working/Future, Muskegon, facebook.com/pages/Latinos-Working-for-the-Future
- 11/2 Day of the Dead artist discussion and concert, Holland Council of Arts, vivalavidafestivalholland.com
- 11/4 ELECTION DAY: GO VOTE!! Where do I vote in Michigan?
- 11/5 Building a Healthy Michigan Conference (Office of Migrant Affairs), Grand Rapids, mailto:fuentesa@michigan.gov
- 11/8 Grupo Dezeo, Binnis Bar & Grill, Lansing, facebook.com/fred.villarreal
- 11/14 Cristo Rey Church K of C Cash Bash, Lansing, 517-394-4639
- 11/14 Arturo Sandoval at Wharton Center, East Lansing, WhartonCenter.com
- 11/14 SHPE’s “Noche de Sciencias” (high school STEM exploration, Pattengill), Lansing, mailto:SHPEatMSU@gmail.com
- 11/21 LCC Lucero visit to UM, Lansing/A2, facebook.com/lucero.lcc
- 11/23 Global Fest, MSU, East Lansing, cvip.isp.msu.edu/globalfestival/
- 12/5 Michigan Hispanic Chamber Holiday Gala, Detroit, MHCC.org
- 3/28 Dinner Fundraiser Honoring Chávez, Lansing, LansingForCesarEChavez.org
- 3/29 (Tentative) Peace Rally/March to Capitol, Lansing, LansingForCesarEChavez.org