5 de Mayo Events & More; Lansing & MI

I get the feeling you want to go to a culturally relevant, authentic and sensitive 5 de Mayo event, because you’re awesome and respectful like that. Well, here ya go.

PS- Did you know the Battle of Puebla, which is celebrated on 5 de Mayo, really helped the US at the time, as the French could have used Mexico as a base in the Americas to push their powers? AND, did you know Zaragoza, the leader of the Battle of Puebla, was from Texas? 13165977_10101669180790496_5268472419623937537_n

#LansingLatinos (and Community Friends) Events

*LAST UPDATE 5/5/2016. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. However, we provide info so that you can confirm that the event is open to the public, appropriate for your needs and to confirm dates, times, location and other information.

5/5 Cinco de Mayo Celebration (lunch), GR, gvsu.edu/inclusion

5/5 Cinco de Mayo Open Mic Jam, GI Forum, Saginaw, sirgilberto@yahoo.com

5/5 Ke Onda Scholarship Fundraiser, Saginaw, https://www.facebook.com/events/668927063245972/

5/5 Cinco de Mayo dinner/dance, Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/863516563776727/

5/5 MCANN Alum/SLB mtg (public/networking), East Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/1042315125832214/

5/5 Cinco de Mayo dinner/live mariachi GR, Lindo Mexico

5/5 Cinco de Mayo w/Viento, GR, https://www.facebook.com/events/1727055530884884/

5/5 Cinco de Mayo with Lansing’s salsa clubs, Waterfront Bar, https://www.facebook.com/events/873552496100979/

5/5 Cinco de Mayo/Vargas Brothers Productions, Flint, https://www.facebook.com/groups/459351844195786/

5/6 Cinco de Mayo @Mac’s Bar w/reggaeton, bachata (Aldacos), Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/1592382394417227/

5/6 MDCR Hispanic-Latino Commission meeting, Saginaw, http://www.michigan.gov/mdcr/0,4613,7-138-58275_3064-347109–,00.html

5/6 Chispa Caliente (concert) Bay City (Coco Loco Bar), 989-439-1128

5/7 Cinco de Mayo dance (Grupo Dezeo), Lansing (Binnis), https://www.facebook.com/groups/459351844195786/

5/7-5/8 Cinco De Mayo celebration/run, Saginaw, https://www.facebook.com/mi.gente.9

5/7 Kumbia Kings & WAR concert (5 de Mayo celebration), Mt. Pleasant, http://www.migentemagazine.com/breaking-news.html

5/7 LAUP Fiesta, Holland, http://laupholland.org/fiesta/

5/7 Cinco de Mayo w/Nuevo Proyekto, Holland, https://www.facebook.com/nuevo.proyekto.3

5/7-5/8 Cinco de Mayo w/Sonido Leo, Holland, https://www.facebook.com/desdemexicoparaelmundoSonidoLeo

5/12 Sabor Latino, GR, https://www.facebook.com/events/1712824875622600/

5/12 ROCK en Español, Detroit (El Club, Vernor, Mxntown), 248-270-8743

5/12 Hisp. Center of W. Michigan Gala, Grand Rapids, https://www.facebook.com/HispanicCenter/?fref=ts

5/15 El Komander (concert), Grand Rapids, https://www.twiinsmusicgroup.com

5/17 Stories of Our Undocumented (ACTION), Saginaw, https://www.facebook.com/ActionofGreaterLansing/?fref=ts

5/19 Lansing Hispanic Chamber mixer, Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/glhcclansing/events/

5/28 Los Tigres del Norte, GR, (DeltaPlex)

6/17 ALAS Ceremony, Big Rapids/KCAD,

5/25 Lansing Latino Seniors Grad Recognition, Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/1755187871379227/

5/27-29 Cristo Rey Fiesta, Lansing

5/29 Memorial Day Dance, Flint, https://www.facebook.com/buenagenteproductionz

6/4 Golf Fundraiser, Amigos de los Campesinos, Lansing, (link forthcoming)

6/10 MDCR Hispanic-Latino Commission meeting, Hart, http://www.michigan.gov/mdcr/0,4613,7-138-58275_3064-347109–,00.html

6/11 Gerardo Ortiz, Grand Rapids, https://devosperformancehall.com/

6/17 Cristo Rey Community Center Golf Fundraiser, Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/cristoreycommunity

7/11 Latino Alum Event CMU, Mt. Pleasant, Save the date, more details TBA

7/15 Statewide Summit on Latinos & the Media, East Lansing, JSRI, https://events.outreach.msu.edu/Registrations/Register/126

7/24 Latino Night @ Lugnuts, Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/1051688464896213/

9/23 MDCR Hispanic-Latino Commission meeting, Lansing, http://www.michigan.gov/mdcr/0,4613,7-138-58275_3064-347109–,00.html

10/29 Quincañera Expo @28th St. Showplace, Grand Rapids, call Jose @616-581-6271

11/4 MDCR Hispanic-Latino Commission meeting, Detroit, http://www.michigan.gov/mdcr/0,4613,7-138-58275_3064-347109–,00.html

12/17 Posadas, Cristo Rey Catholic Church, Lansing, more info TBD




Recurring Events:

Thursdays: Habana Thursdays (dance/music), Ann Arbor, https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.c.estrada

Fridays: Latin Night Fridays (dance/music), Ann Arbor, https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.c.estrada

Fridays: Salsa Capital (dance/music), Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/737510933014532/

Fridays: Viernes Tropical at La Terraza (dance/music), Detroit, https://www.facebook.com/La-Terraza-115566168493256/

Fridays: Fiesta En la Sierra (music/karaoke), Grand Rapids, Royal Cuisine 526 Stocking Ave

Saturdays: I Love Latin (dance/music), Lansing, https://www.facebook.com/events/1559454417644657/

Saturdays: Tropical Saturdays (dance/music), Detroit, https://www.facebook.com/DjTonyToca

Saturdays: Latin Saturdays at Club Above (dance/music), Ann Arbor, https://www.facebook.com/leonardo.c.estrada

Saturdays: Salsa Saturdays at Papa Pete’s (dance/music), Kalamazoo, https://www.facebook.com/groups/237556839616303