Candidates: Want a Direct Line to Mid-Michigan’s Latino Community?

Dear Mid-Michigan Candidates:

First, congratulations to those of you who ran and won in the primary this past month. Your message was heard by your citizens!

Now, you need to magnify your message to a larger audience. You know that making your name and goals known between now and November is integral to your success.

For seven years, Adelante Forward magazine has offered a way to communicate with Lansing and mid-Michigan’s thriving and growing Latino and multicultural community. Our name is recognized in the community we serve, and our quarterly editions (with a 6,000-issue print run) are plentiful and popular throughout the area. We offer you a direct way to make your name and stances known to our community.

Our next edition will print in early September, and will be distributed and at no cost to the consumer throughout the month of September at churches, community centers, selected storefronts and through the local school system.

We are issuing a specific invitation to all candidates to be a part of this issue.

We extend an invitation to all candidates to publish a full color 1/4 or 1/2 page advertisement at the special one-time cost of $175 or $300, respectively.

The deadline to receive these ads is August 28. However, if arrangements are made immediately, we may be able to accommodate your schedule. In addition, we may be able to supply Spanish translation for candidates who arrange advertising with us immediately.

To commit to and arrange placement of your message, please contact Dr. Nino Rodriguez immediately at (517) 505-4772. Ads should then be submitted in print-ready PDFs or in their native design format to .