Latino Businesses in Michigan Grow By 85 Percent!

Per this recent release from Michigan State’s Julian Samora Research Institute, the number of Latino-owned businesses in Michigan increased by 84.8 percent between 2007 and 2012. This is significantly more than the national growth rate during the same period of about 46 percent. For more info on the data, see the JSRI press release here.

Just Released: May/June 2016 Issue Deadline, Dates & Theme

January 2012 Edition, Center Spread courtesy of Michigan State University.

  We welcomed 2016 with our newest edition, featuring a little celebration of completing our TENTH YEAR IN PUBLICATION! If you have not seen it, be sure to check our website: Digital magazine: In addition, please note our new and improved media kit, with dates, deadlines, prices and so on. Lastly, if you follow… Continue reading Just Released: May/June 2016 Issue Deadline, Dates & Theme

Reminder: January Issue Deadline is November 30

Good morning Adelante Forward guests, readers and advertisers! Just a reminder that the Adelante Forward staff would love to celebrate the holidays with a few days off work, so be sure to get your content and advertisement in before November 30. Here is info on the theme. New advertisers can see size, submission and pricing… Continue reading Reminder: January Issue Deadline is November 30

Cool Event in Lansing! Peckham and MSU Artists Team Up Feb 23

Art@Work Public Unveiling Event, Saturday, Feb. 23 WHAT: Peckham, in collaboration with Michigan State University’s (MSU) Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) and the College of Engineering have created a dynamic public arts project, Art@Work. Art@Work is a mosaic of individual pieces created collaboratively by Peckham client artists, community artists, and university students.… Continue reading Cool Event in Lansing! Peckham and MSU Artists Team Up Feb 23

Candidates: Want a Direct Line to Mid-Michigan’s Latino Community?

Dear Mid-Michigan Candidates: First, congratulations to those of you who ran and won in the primary this past month. Your message was heard by your citizens! Now, you need to magnify your message to a larger audience. You know that making your name and goals known between now and November is integral to your success.… Continue reading Candidates: Want a Direct Line to Mid-Michigan’s Latino Community?