We welcomed 2016 with our newest edition, featuring a little celebration of completing our TENTH YEAR IN PUBLICATION! If you have not seen it, be sure to check our website:
Digital magazine: http://www.adelanteforward.com/editions
In addition, please note our new and improved media kit, with dates, deadlines, prices and so on.
Lastly, if you follow us on social media, you may have noticed increased traffic due to our unique, one-of-a-kind calendar which summarizes all events of interest to the Latino community throughout the state of Michigan. Are you following us online?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adelanteforward
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdelanteFwdMag
Next Issue Information: May/June 2016 Edition
Submission deadline: We’re asking for submissions to come to us by April 1, if not before.
Distribution: The next edition will be distributed at summer events, such as Cristo Rey Catholic Church’s annual Fiesta.
Theme “Chávez in Lansing”
In addition to covering the March events celebrating César Chávez here in Lansing, we will also go back in history, to the time when the activist marched hand-in-hand with some of our local leaders. Of course, advertisers and writers can, as usual, choose the subject matter that works best for them.
Please provide ready-to-print work via PDF or native format by April 1, to publisher Dr. Rodriguez at rodri231@msu.edu or Managing Editor Allena Tapia of GardenWall Publications at allena@gardenwallpublications.com.
Thank you kindly for your continued patronage!